Monday, March 28, 2011

Rojak Atria @ Petaling Jaya

During lunch last Sat at Bon Bon, Ivy told me that she often has craving for this rojak, operating by the little street, next to Atria. Oh, so I must try this, after lunch..

This Rojak Atria operates from just bike, which customers can opt to eat at the food court area. You can find Mr Rojak on the little street facing 'Language School'. Since it was Sat, there wasn't that many people then.

For the regular take-away, the boss will have the ready packed rojak by the side, ready to go.

Rojak, ie. fruit salad drowned in prawn-based dressing with chili sauce are found at many places, but to find really good ones, it isn't that easy.

Mr Rojak

The rojak man said "don't go away la, show that got leng lui buying ma' ha.ha.

This plate of rojak has all that I like - they are all so fresh, as the rojak man slice in the fruits using his knife only at time of packing - young papaya, mango, pineapple, cucumber, turnip. With order of the big portion at Rm4.80, the amount of fruits is really a lot.. and came with 2 pcs of crackers.. I didn't know earlier, and asked for additional 1 pc which cost only RM0.30.. Light and crispy, yumms, and the price, worth it.. (Pack of small rojak - RM3.80)

Overall, the sauce is not too heavy and just the right thickness to coat all the fruits.. I will definitely drop by to take-away a pack of rojak if I'm around the neighborhood.

My plate of appetizing rojak (before and after quoted with sauce)

Rojak Atria

SS22/23, PJ, Selangor

Business Hours : 11am-5.30pm
Close on Tue (unless it's a public holiday)


  1. This stall memang very famous one. The taukeh very pandai. He will pre-pack the rojak. You just need to screen down your car window and tell him what u want.

    My fruend came all the way from Kemaman for his rojak

  2. there is 1 very nice rojak stall in front of Public Bank, Laman Rimbunan, Kepong!

  3. Hi Small Kucing,
    Ya, my friend told me about the same thing.. this taukeh really know how to plan.. :)
    Wa, 'kua cheong' la, ur friend fr Kemaman.. :)

    Choi Yen, if I go chance to go Kepong, I will sure check out the rojak u mentioned.. Tx..

  4. Wow, nice post,there are many person searching about that now they will find enough resources by your post.Thank you for sharing to us.Please one more post about that..


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